Black Friday shopping tips

Black Friday-Holiday Shopping Social Media Tips

by Jeff

Just stopped by to check up on how all of you are doing. I have been super busy like many of you, I am sure. Let me know what is new for you. It has been a while since I checked up on you. Leave it in my comments for us all to read. We are all in this together and sharing can help you and other members.

Black Friday

The big event that just passed is Black Friday. How did you do is on my mind. I have been sharing the word about the WA Black Friday deal on my social media. Lots of traffic from promoting this deal. No referrals yet which I am okay with that. It takes time to get people confident to purchase from you. If you have not had as much success as you thought that is quite normal if you are new.

Holiday Shopping Social Media Promotions

For any members new to social media, I have a few tips that work well for me. Starting out this is brand new to many of you. To help you out I am sharing some things that you can try for the holiday shopping season.


Share your deals in your Facebook posts and groups.

Create a Facebook Live event to showcase your products and deals.

Use Facebook Messenger to answer customer questions and provide customer support


Share eye-catching photos and videos of your products.

Use Instagram Stories to share behind-the-scenes content and promote your deals.

Run Instagram contests and giveaways!

X used to be Twitter

Why Musk renamed Twitter to X amazes me. By any chance does anyone know why this is?

Share short and concise tweets about your deals.

Use Twitter hashtags to reach a wider audience.

Run Twitter polls to engage your followers.


Create Pinterest boards to showcase your products and deals.

Use Pins to direct people to your landing page.

Run Pinterest contests and giveaways.

Here are a few things you can try on your own social media during the holiday shopping season. Do you have any tricks of your own to share? Leave them in the comments if you desire to.

A Few More Things You Can Try

Create a dedicated landing page. This needs not be a time-consuming task to complete. Simple and easy for your visitors to find their way around is all that you need.

Add eye-catching images that will entice your followers to click on your posts to find out more.

Create a sense of urgency for a limited time. This will encourage customers to make a purchase right away.

Using relevant hashtags will bring you more traffic. Hashtags that I include are #cybermonday, #cybermondaysales, and #blackfridaydeals.

Run contests and giveaways are always a big hit during this time of the year. Prizes that are relevant to your followers will be tempting and irresistible.

Join up with other members in your niche. Helping one another will assure more success for everyone.

Engage with your followers by responding to comments and questions as soon as possibe.

Let me know if you learned anything new by reading my post. I wish you all the most success with your holiday shopping promotions.

Happy Shopping Season,

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