My vision of success

This post is my thinking of different levels of success from birth to senior year’s.

Success is different for everyone. It’s just not about a business opportunity. Sometimes people chase success to far, it’s outside of their grasp, even though certain aspects of their life are beyond successful.

For an infant it could be rolling over then crawling to walking.

For a child it could be when they learned to tie their shoes alone with no help from mom. Maybe they learned to tell time by reading the clock on the wall.

For a teenager it could be they passed their drivers test the first time or finally passing this exam after the third time.

For a young adult it could be getting their first job. Or finally understanding that they alone are now in charge of making decisions for themselves and making the right ones.

For an adult it could be getting the job of their dreams. For getting married to a wonderful spouse who shares the same values. Having children and fully accepting responsibility for their children’s lives. Staying in a marriage thru trials and tribulations? Not giving up when there seems to be no way out.

For an elderly person, it could be sitting back and looking over the success of his or her life. Maybe continuing their education or learning a new craft.

I wish you much success in life, but take a look back and appreciate the success you already had.

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