Can Success Happen Quickly?

I get this question from time to time.Can Success Happen Quickly?

The correct answer is NO. The truth? Most people have completely lost touch with what it takes to be successful. If you want to be wealthy, influential, in your opportunity? Strap in to work harder and longer than you’ve ever worked before. Being successful isn’t easy, and it does NOT happen fast. It takes time. Yes you will work hard at first, very hard. There will be times when things do not go the way you thought they should. You will doubt yourself, you will want to give up. Do not be a QUITTER!

Also friends and family may throw roadblocks into your new adventure. If you tried something before and it did not pan out and they throw this up to you just say that was a learning lesson. There is no failure only quitters.


The million dollar question is this: How do you stick with it (whatever “it” is) long enough to succeed? These five steps can help you cross the finish line of this marathon—and you will see your idea through.

1. Find your passion.

Take on this project only if you are passionate about it, because it’s passion that energizes you for the long-haul. If not, you will inevitably tire of it and probably will not stay with it. It must be something you can not stop talking about.

2. Know your “why.”

Why are you doing this?

Ask yourself, how will your idea impact your life?

Your career?

How will it help others?

Your family?

3. Write out a plan.

The best intentions can get lost if we don’t have a road map to follow. Write out a business plan for your idea that includes tangible action steps. Make them specific. Give them a time frame.

4. Make it a daily habit.

Sometimes to make our big plans and dreams come true, we have to fit them into whatever else we have going on in our lives. You have to find a way to make this plan fit into your daily life so that it becomes as routine as brushing your teeth. I like to blog late in the night after the day is done and everyone is in bed. There is no correct time to blog, its just when you can fit into your schedule.

5. Stick with it.

Have the big picture in mind. What are you aspiring to do? Don’t let anything or anybody discourage you. Just do it. Eventually, if you keep the end goal in mind, you will get there. You really will! And when you do, it will be so worth it.

“The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground.” –Author Unknown

If you are not sure what you want to do with yourself, try Affiliate Marketing. This program I am a part of is awesome. It teaches you everything you need to know to become successful. And its FREE to start. WEALTHY AFFILIATE

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Can Success happen quickly?

Can Success happen quickly. The correct answer is NO.

The truth? Most people have completely lost touch with what it takes to be successful.

Want to be wealthy, influential, in your opportunity? Strap in to work harder and longer than you’ve ever worked before.

Being successful isn’t easy, and it does NOT happen fast. You have to earn it, and most of the day-to-day work it takes to become successful is painstaking, tedious, and BORING.

No one likes to tell you that part of their story.

Here are three truths to burst the bubble of overnight success:

  1. Fast success is the exception, not the rule. Fast fortunes happen, but they’re extremely rare. Yeah, some people legitimately achieve lightning-speed results, but for most of us, lasting success takes a long time and a lot of hard work. Achieving your goals is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll likely put in years of work and get no accolades, never be recognized, and earn little (if any) money, before achieving any kind of fame or fortune.
  2. You’re likely not getting the whole story. When you hear a story of someone’s fast rise to success, understand that you’re probably not getting all the details. We’ve all heard those stories of entrepreneurs who went from $0 in revenue to six-figure launches in a few months. What we don’t usually hear about is the 10,000 hours (or more) they put into mastering their craft, becoming an expert in their field, and building a network before launching a product or starting a business.
  3. Explosive growth can be a recipe for disaster. Be careful what you wish for. If you’re not prepared, an enormous influx of customers could crash your website, overwhelm your team, and turn into a customer service nightmare. It could destroy your brand before you’ve had a chance to prove yourself. Sustaining fast growth requires you to take the time to build a solid foundation and develop the business savvy to navigate it

Watch this episode: The Single Most Important Factor of Any New Business

This is very informative.

There are a lot of opportunities available. My favorite program is called Wealthy Affiliate.Its free to start!

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