What Are Your “Money” Goals?

What are your “money” goals?

In order to achieve any level of success, you need to have a starting point. This starting point is having a “goal”.

Success is not all about money and it shouldn’t be your only motivation, but for many of us, the money part does matter a little bit (or a lot). 🙂 And because of this, I want you to take a few minutes and really come up with some tangible “money” goals.

Please make sure you answer ALL 3 of these goals within this post and feel free to elaborate on these answers within your comment below.

QUESTION #1: How much money per month would you be happy earning?

QUESTION #2: How much money per month would you be REALLY excited earning?

QUESTION #3: How much TIME are you willing to invest to achieve these goals?

Notice the last question? That is there for a reason. Most of us are in such a rush to become rich that we end up like the hare, instead of the turtle. Please refrain from saying you want to be successful within a week or a month, because if you do this, I can honestly say you are setting yourself up for failure from the get-go.

Be realistic, but at the same time shoot for the stars. If you come up short from BIG goals, you have still reached greatness.

To your success!




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